Build UP Dietitians Newsletter-3/15-FREE
#RDday Photo Contest Winners, Dr. Andrea Love (ImmunoLogic) on "Leaky Gut", Spotlight on RD & Farmer Sheri Glazier (aka Dirt Road Dietitian), CEU Newsletter, Question from our Pediatric Group & more
📸#RDday Photo Contest Winners
We asked dietitians for photos of themselves or their team for #RDday (3/13) and gave away 4 - $25 Amazon gift cards to the ones that got the most “likes”. Here are the top 4 (there are LOTS more on our Facebook page!):
🩺Dr. Andrea Love of ImmunoLogic on LEAKY GUT
“…Leaky gut is the victim of a common theme in pseudoscience, where something that has a real meaning in the realm of science is taken and distorted…Proponents of 'leaky gut syndrome' argue that the tight junctions become loose, leading to undigested food, bacteria, and toxins entering the bloodstream, causing inflammation and triggering immune reactions. This is not supported by credible and robust scientific evidence
….Physicians sometimes observe increased intestinal permeability in people who have Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, in individuals receiving chemotherapy, and those who have a high intake of bowel-damaging substances such as aspirin and alcohol. However, intestinal permeability is a symptom of these ailments, not a cause; it does not lead to anything more than inflammation of the bowel walls, and it is not leaky gut syndrome.”
🚜Spotlight: Sheri Glazier (“Dirt Road Dietitian”)
Q1: What's one thing you wish more dietitians realized about beef farming/ranching?
Much of what we do on the farm and ranch is grounded in science. We rely heavily on our local extension resources to ensure we stay up to date with the latest technologies, agricultural, and ranch management practices, including animal health and well-being. It's a top priority for us in order for us to succeed for generations to come.
Q2: Juggling being a farmer and a dietitian, you have a lot on your plate. What's one thing you wish you had more time for in your farming life and in your dietitian life?
More time for traveling, seeing the world - experiencing other food cultures, and agriCULTURE - I LOVE how my two worlds are so intertwined.
What is the solution to this? To create more TIME in this line of work, we just need more reliable & trustworthy farm/ranch hands help. Our rural reality is that it is REALLY difficult to find.
Connect with Sheri Glazier - the “Dirt Road Dietitian”
Glazier Farms: (Note from Build Up Dietitians - you can order meat directly from Glazier Farms and it’s GREAT!)
👶🍼Question from the Pediatrics GROUP
How would you respond? Here’s an answer from Heidi E. that seemed to resonate with the other pediatric RDs.
“Consider asking her why she chooses raw milk vs pasteurized. Ask permission to share any information, such as “would you mind if I shared some information with you comparing raw vs pasteurized milk?” When sharing that information, I find it helpful to avoid words like “risky” “harmful” or “dangerous” because they can make parents feel judged, as if they are deliberately hurting their baby. One way to share this info would be to say “raw milk and pasteurized milk have the same nutrients. They both provide calcium, protein and fat your toddler needs. One thing pasteurizing milk does is kills any bacteria or germs that could be in the milk.”
Some individuals think heating food destroys nutrients. It’s helpful to know if that is one reason this mom chooses raw milk. If she does believe raw milk is healthier, you can share that the nutrition benefits are equal.”
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🐰Easter ideas in our Amazon Store
Check out some of the gift ideas in our AMAZON store - Go HERE