Build Up Catch Up - 9/15/23
"P" is for "PROCESSED"...."U" is for ULTRA-PROCESSED, Copypasta, 2 Podcast Picks, Changes to CEUs, Build Up Dietitian Groups... and some things you may have missed.
The “P” word: “PROCESSED”
It seems as though lately the terms “processed” and “ultra-processed”, at least when it comes to food, are getting a lot of attention. Much of this coming from the NOVA classification (see below) as well as various studies and discussions.
Chris Rosenbloom, Ph.D, RDN in “U is for Ultra-Processed Foods gives a good summary of some of the complexity of this term, the NOVA classifications and the discussion around this.
Bottom Line: Before we demonize the “ultra-processed” group in its entirety; consider the fact that all infant formula, tube feeding products and oral nutrition supplements would be considered ultra-processed according to the NOVA classification. Also think about the fact that we don’t typically eat individual foods in isolation…we eat meals that may be composed of a mix of fresh/minimally processed, processed and ultra-processed food items.
(Check out our September Special for a discounted subscription.)
Just Say No to the “Copypasta”
“One of the most persistent forms of misinformation is known colloquially as "copypasta." Internet users often unwittingly perpetuate false information by copying and pasting hoaxes and passing them along to others.”
Bottom Line: Before you copy/paste on social media, check for the veracity of the post. Look for citations and use common sense…. sometimes not sharing IS caring.
5 Things You May Have Missed
Podcast Pick - “On the First Food Nutrition Label”
A look back at the history of food nutrition labels, long before the nutrition facts panel in the 1990’s.
Podcast Pick - “Soy Boys” by Maintenance Phase Podcast
“Man boobs” and feminization, “soy boys” ….”Maintenace Phase Podcast” gets to the bottom of myths and misinformation around eating soy foods and drinking soy milk and why the “evils” of soy are a food myth dietitians hear frequently.
Changes to CEUs by CDR
4. Washington Post and Examination article on Dietitians
“The food industry pays 'influencer’ dietitians to shape your eating habits”
There is only a very small percentage of U.S dietitians that could be considered social media “influencers” or even anything close to that based on their number of social media followers. (The article notes that the cut off for “micro-influencers” is 10K followers). Meanwhile, the majority of the over 100K US dietitians don’t work with marketing companies or brands or utilize social media for sponsored posts about food, beverages or supplement of any kind….and yet these are the very dietitians most likely to be negatively impacted by an article this article.
Bottom Line: Build Up Dietitians regularly mentions and posts regarding Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for appropriate social media disclosure as well as the Code of Ethics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (see this issue of a previous ‘Build Up Catch Up Newsletter - Build Up Catch Up - 8/25/2023 - Build Up Catch Up (
Rather than give the Washington Post article more attention; we encourage you to read the thorough and thoughtful post by former Build Up Dietitians admin, Dustin Moore “Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Partnerships, and the Dietitian” (
Build UP Dietitians FACEBOOK Groups
DYK we currently have 21 closed/private groups? The screenshot shows just a few of them. Groups range in size from just a couple hundred members to over 5K members. All groups are carefully moderated for membership and content. These groups are a great place to ask questions (including anonymously) and share resources and tips.
To check out the full lists of groups and request to join. Click here