Build Up Catch Up - 6/9/2023
Sensational Sucralose Headlines; 3 Top Things; Book Nook Recommendation; FARE Pediatric Allergy Course & more!
Sensational Sucralose (SPLENDA) Headlines
Editors and influencers know that there’s nothing that attracts attention quite like using the words TOXIC or TOXINS …or NEUROTOXIC …or GENOTOXIC… combine that artificial sweeteners and you’ve got a click bait winner….
This week media, including social media, was full of sensational headlines about Splenda:
Chemical found in Splenda damages DNA: ‘Genotoxic’ discovery
New Study Raises Alarm: Splenda Linked to DNA Damage and Gut Health Risks
But what was the actual study? Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: in vitro screening assays
One thing we noticed🧐 immediately was IN VITRO.
Here are some points made by experts who don’t fall for the hyperbole of the clickbait headlines:
Gideon Meyerwitz-Katz - Australian epidemiologist - “Lab-bench research like this is very interesting, but there are a few very big differences between cells in a petri dish and real people in real life.”
“From what I can see, the 'genotoxic' effects were only identifiable at concentrations of ~1000µg/ml. To get to that sort of concentration in the human body, you'd need to eat hundreds of packets of Splenda”.
and what Splenda had to say: “The study, and media coverage of the study, falsely lead consumers to believe that sucralose-6-acetate (SA6) is the same as sucralose. It is not – SA6 is not synonymous with sucralose.”
Bottom Line: Once again, read beyond the click-bait headlines, check the actual study, especially whether it is in vitro or in rodents and especially…. and be skeptical when it results in headlines that use the word TOXIC.
3 Top Things
GOOGLE stock images of RDs vs IRL (in real life) RDs - look, no white lab coats, no stethoscopes, no bowls of fresh fruit….no apples🍎🍏 - Nothing against lab coats, stethoscopes or apples - but dietitians are more dimensional. (Look for lots of photos contributed by our followers on our Facebook page!)
#PrideMonth Resource
Podcast Pick: Nutrition Support Considerations for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients featuring Jacs Scheinman, RDN, LDN and Kellan Morgan, RD - Definitely a valuable listen for all dietitians!
Beyond Celery Juice - A good listen on the Medical Medium (Anthony Williams), known for his celery juice cleanses, is Conspirituality: Medical Medium (w/Dan Adler).
In this Conspirituality podcast they mention the sad story of Stephanie Tisone. Tisone fell under the spell of Anthony Williams (Medical Medium), adopted an increasingly restrictive diet, avoided medical care for a lump in her breast, and eventually died of metastatic breast cancer.
Book Nook Recommendation
“The Icepick Surgeon: Murder, Fraud, Sabotage, Piracy, and other Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science” - Sam Keen
Barbaric experiments, espionage, unprincipled or just corrupt scientists…Science isn’t always neat and tidy and some of the things done in the name of science aren’t always ethical — and are at times just pretty awful.
FARE is proud to host the 4th annual Pediatric Food Allergy Course starting Sept 2023. This comprehensive virtual 9-month course will cover prevention, diagnosis, and management of pediatric food allergies. RDNs are eligible to EARN UP TO 55 CEUs. Learn from experts in the field Marion Groetch, MS RDN, and Carina Venter, PhD RD, along with their many knowledgeable guests. Use discount code: BuildUpRD20Off for 20% off registration.
REGISTER HERE: Pediatric Food Allergy Course -