Build Up Catch Up - 3/24/23
Lunch or Lunchables?; Carnivore Diet...all MEAT all the time; Book Nook; Survey
Lunch or Lunchables?
It's interesting to read reactions to the news that Kraft-Heinz "Lunchables" will be offered in schools.
A few things to think about/realize:
1. These “Lunchables” would have to meet NSLP (National School Lunch Program) guidelines for whole grains and sodium and won’t be the same as what is sold in retail and yet… we got this from a dietitian who received a sample from their vendor… “…The turkey and cheddar option is 930mg of sodium!!! It credits as 1 grain so would have to add additional grain to it to meet requirements, but that would add additional sodium…I am fine with the idea of serving Lunchables but I don’t know how that will work for the sodium restriction…The pizza version had 700+ mg.” - Megan M.
2. This is not the first packaged product available in schools.
3. Many schools are struggling with reduced funding, supply chain issues & lack of staff...some schools don't even have kitchens…all while desperately trying to navigate government guidelines AND make food appealing to children.
4. Many schools already assemble and offer "mini charcuterie" type snacks or meals.
We’re not saying that made from scratch foods aren’t the desirable or preferred option (unless you don’t have the staff to prepare the food or kids won’t eat it) but reminder: food is only nutritious if it gets eaten.
Before passing judgement on school meals and offerings; it may be worth it to better understand the limitations faced by school nutrition. Follow your local school cafeteria on social media, have lunch at your child or grandchild’s school, get to know the school nutrition director. Want to learn more from a group that supports School Nutrition and see some of their amazing work? Try TIPS for School Meals That Rock
You can read the proposed changes to school lunch and breakfast programs and then comment to the Federal Register by April 10th.
For opportunities to dialogue with others in the school nutrition space - consider joining our Build Up Dietitians School Nutrition Group
The Carnivore Diet: ALL Meat …ALL the TIME
One of the most bizarre diets that’s been floating around for the last few years is the “Carnivore Diet” popularized by Paul Saladino, MD (board certified in psychiatry, studied functional medicine and nutritional biochemistry) in his book, “The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health”. The diet is very limited, primarily just meat. A review by Red Pen Reviews noted: "The book’s scientific claims didn’t fare very well overall, and we believe one of them is dangerous (the idea that high LDL cholesterol on a carnivore diet is neutral or even healthy)." It received a 38% overall score in part because its score for scientific accuracy was 28% and for healthfulness was 25%.
There are various reasons why someone may decide to try the Carnivore Diet ranging from weight loss to food sensitivities or health issues. What’s it like to be on the Carnivore Diet? Here’s an account by Alan Levinovitz, Assistant Professor of Religion at James Madison University, who notes how limited the diet is and the social, physical and psychological repercussions.
Podcast Picks on the Carnivore Diet:
Maintenace Phase Podcast on “Jordan Peterson and the Carnivore Diet”
Unbiased Science: “The Carnivore Diet is a Big Mis-Steak”
Bottom Line: Extremely restricted diets like this can be very problematic for health and mental well-being. Yes, the person may lose weight in the short-term and some may notice some health improvements; but the larger questions are: 1. Are they able to maintain this type of diet?; 2. Will it negatively affect their health if they maintain this diet long-term; 3. How will this affect their ability to socialize and spend time with their family, friends and co-workers?
Book Nook
“The Gospel of Wellness: Gyms, Gurus, Goop and the False Promise of Self-Care” by Rina Raphael
Author Rina Raphael looks at trends and fads in wellness and the gurus who spread these messages. How this messaging often targets women with alluring promises of better health, more energy and well-being, disguising the true agenda —weight loss and food restriction. Dietitians Dustin Moore and Leah McGrath were resources for this book and dietitian Sylvia Klinger is quoted.
Survey - Last chance!
It’s your last chance to take this survey regarding the possibility of a ‘Build Up Meet Up’ at FNCE. The survey will only take you about 2-3 minutes!