Build Up Catch Up - 3/1/24
National Nutrition Month - LOOK BUSY!, Supplements & ED, Supplements & Safety, Spotting Red flags in Health Articles, March Subscription/Donation Deal & more!
🎉It’s National Nutrition Month! 👀LOOK BUSY
You know what that means? YOU get to talk about nutrition every day until the end of March!
Err, what?
You already talk about nutrition every day? #CarryOn
💊💊Supplements: How They May Affect Individuals w/ ED)
Here’s a quick (4 minute) listen with Emily Hemendinger, LCSW, MPH, CPH, ACS Professor of Psychiatry - University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
🎧 Why you want to practice healthy skepticism with supplements - KCBS Radio: On-Demand - Omny
Reminder, supplements are UNDER-regulated!
💡Spotlight: Science Writer, Katie Suleta, MPH, MSHI, DHSc( c )
Regional Director of Reseach Graduate Medical Education
Q: What are "red flags" that make you skeptical about a health-related story?
Answer from Katie Suleta:
1) Lack of evidence supporting claims.
2) No professional experience or training in the particular area. While credentials aren’t everything, if a person with no training or experience in healthcare is trying to sell you an item for your health, it should make you skeptical.
3) Science-washing. Some stories require a bit of jargon, but if it is unnecessary for the story, if they could have used simpler words, they may simply be trying to confuse you.
Q: Recently you and Emily Hemendinger (credentials above) wrote a piece about supplements (vitamin/mineral/herbal). What do wish more people in the U.S. realized about supplements?
Answer from Katie Suleta:
“Unless diagnosed by a physician, you probably don’t need supplementation. Supplements are at best a waste of money and at worst can cause severe health problems including interacting with prescription medications…check with your doctor before beginning a supplement regime.
The supplement industry is motivated by money and has very little oversight.…the marketing and lobbying around supplements has succeeded in almost making it seem like they provide a public service.
Supplements are drugs but they aren’t treated like it. They’re barely regulated and even when they are, they are not held to the same standard that pharmaceutical drugs are….They can be and are tainted with ingredients not listed on the bottle. There is almost no quality control. They are allowed to make outlandish claims about “structure and form” without providing any evidence.”
LinkedIn: Katie Suleta MPH, MSHI, DHSc (c) | LinkedIn
PubMed author page:
📰News from our GROUPS
From our Build Up Dietitians Weight Management & Bariatrics Group
Lisa F. - “I will share from a patient’s perspective…We had worked together for years through struggles with weight regain after weight loss—often due to travel, stressors, and appetite. After using a GLP-1 for several weeks and with a reasonable rate of weight loss, she explained to me that “now I feel like my mind is not so distracted by constant thoughts of food so that I can better focus on following through with the many behavior changes we’ve discussed and worked on.” …this client didn’t view GLP-1s as a magic bullet but rather a tool.”
Rachel D. - “Less invasive option than surgery (results not equal but significant), and reduction of “food noise” and preoccupation for the individual.”
❓Question from “Anonymous” in our Careers Group
Q: “I have been an RD since Aug 2022. Since then, I have had an insanely difficult time finding jobs, finding purpose, and I am completely losing my interest and passion for nutrition while simultaneously gaining a crushing weight of imposter syndrome as I don't seem to be good enough for hiring.
I am currently working at WIC, but I have never really enjoyed it and truly only took the position because I needed to pay my loans. I have always wanted to work in outpatient counseling, ED treatment, or private practice, but there are either no positions, or they aren't interested in someone with "no experience"… How am I supposed to gain experience in my interest areas if no one will give me a chance to do so?”
Kelly M. - “Consider finding a job at a local hospital…If there's not an outpatient position open, let them know you would be interested in that job is ever opened, or would like to be a backup for vacations to gain experience.”
Denise C. - “Years ago I recommended interns take a floor hospital job for a few years (I’d say until you can give diet instructions in your sleep) just to get the experience and pay off some bills. Then start moving into your area of interest.…Sounds like you should go “old school” and get some basic hospital experience while waiting for something you prefer….”
🤝March Donation/Subscription Deal
Since it’s National Nutrition Month…for every new ANNUAL paid subscriber, we’ll donate $5 to the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Foundation AND you’ll get 10% off the subscription— so it will cost you LESS THAN $1/week! The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Foundation is a charitable organization that provides grants and scholarships to nutrition and dietetics professionals.
🛒Build Up’s AMAZON Store
Be sure to check out our AMAZON store for National Nutrition Month, #RDday and St. Patrick’s Day food & dietitian themed gifts.