Build Up Catch Up - 2/24
Hot Topics: Plant-based, Food Allergies, Diabetes and Hearing Loss, Enteral Nutrition Calculator, Dairy Alternatives Proposed Labels ...and memes!
Promotion of Plant-Based
For most dietitians, encouraging a way of eating that features plants (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains) just makes sense. Afterall, most Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, but when did endorsing the eating of more fruits and vegetables, or ‘make 1/2 your plate fruits and vegetables’ “morph” into the term “plant-based”?
In 2005, the term “plant-based” eating was first used by T. Colin Campbell, a biochemist who wrote the book “The China Study”.
In 2006, journalist Michael Pollan referred to “plant-based eating” in his book, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”.
By 2011-2012 the term became more commonplace as many celebrities and sports figures like Mike Tyson, Alicia Silverstone, Bill Clinton and Ellen DeGeneres began to describe their way of eating as “plant-based.”
Starting around 2019, many brands and even restaurants deliberately and strategically avoided using the “v” words, (vegetarian and vegan), to describe meat and animal-free alternative products, and instead embraced “plant-based” to describe their offerings.
The problem is, once marketers get hold of a term that they can anoint with a “health halo”, we begin to see things like “plant-based” cigarettes ….
Overall, meat alternatives continue to show sluggish sale figures at retail. Often these products seem to suffer from issues around taste, price, and nutritional/ingredient concerns. Many of these items also lack the versatility of animal protein and are highly (ultra) processed.
Bottom Line: Do ultra-processed meat alternatives provide an option for vegans, vegetarians, individuals with allergies (e.g. Alpha-Gal) and those who occasionally want meals without animal products? Sure. But most dietitians would probably rather hear that their patients/clients/customers were eating fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains if they were describing their diet as “plant-based”
Meme of the Week - Reach: >100K
Diabetes: Tinnitus and Hearing Loss
This week there was a question posted in our Build Up Dietitians and Diabetes group about whether there was a connection between tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and diabetes.
Protein - Food Allergy Fatality
This was a tragic story that elicited a number of comments on our Facebook page.
Avery Gilbert, a freshman with a fish/seafood allergy, ate a meal in the university cafeteria on this third day on campus and suffered a fatal allergic reaction. Gilbert had dined in an area called “Zone: An Allergen Sensitive Area” and after eating a chicken sandwich, suffered an allergic reaction and later died. Sadly, it appears he had never been prescribed an Epi Pen.
One of the issues in the wrongful death suit brought by Gilbert’s family, is that of cross-contact. ”Cross-contact happens when one food comes into contact with another food and their proteins mix.” Often people mistakenly call this “cross-contamination” which is a term used in food safety and is not correctly used in food allergen situations: “Cross-contamination is the transfer of harmful bacteria to food from other foods, cutting boards, and utensils and it happens when they are not handled properly.”
Resource: If you are looking for resources on food allergies we recommend starting with Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE)
Calculator for Enteral Nutrition
This looks like a great tool for calculating enteral nutrition: Enteral (Tube Feed) Nutrition Calculator - - with some important caveats:
This calculator is not appropriate for the following patient populations, or may require a higher degree of clinical judgment:
At risk for refeeding syndrome
Concurrent parenteral nutrition
Special nutritional needs (burns, fistulas, pregnancy)
Resource: DYK we have a Build Up Dietitians Nutrition Support group ? This is a good place for dietitians to discuss issues and questions around enteral nutrition and tube feeding supplies and situations.
FDA Proposes Labeling for Dairy Alternatives
“Labeling of Plant-based Milk Alternatives and Voluntary Nutrient Statements: Guidance for Industry,” recommends that a plant-based milk alternative product that includes the term “milk” in its name (e.g., “soy milk” or “almond milk”), and that has a nutrient composition that is different than milk, include a voluntary nutrient statement that conveys how the product compares with milk…For example, the label could say, “Contains lower amounts of Vitamin D and calcium than milk.”
Provide feedback and comments to FDA
Resource: for good information on food and nutrition policy we encourage subscribing to Food Fix