Build Up Catch Up - 2/23/24 FREE
Swag for the Build Up Mini Meet Up, Negativity about Niacin, Controversy about Cereal, Carnivore Diet lab results, Food prices and more
❓What’s been happening this week?
🖊🖋Check out our PENS!
These will be given out at the ASPEN Build Up Mini Meet Up in March.
👨⚕️👩⚕️Which “doctor” can you trust?
💊The “Wild-West” of Supplements
🛒Food Prices Really ARE DECREASING
🎙Wellness Influencers: Spreading misinformation beyond health
From Covid-19 denialism, and anti-vax to rejecting climate change… wellness “influencers” are spreading misinformation/disinformation to their large audiences. Be sure you’re not giving them a larger platform by sharing their content. Build Up Dietitians friend, Tim Caulfield quoted.
Wellness influencers fueled pandemic misinformation. Now they’re targeting another crisis | CNN
🥣Noise about News: Cereal Criticism
Part 1:
A study that got some notice this week was on niacin and a potential link to CVD…one of the accusations that made the news was around fortification of cereal with niacin…but is the issue fortification - or supplementation? And was this a situation of ‘correlation is not causation’? This article has some important notes from physicians Cleveland Clinic-Led Study Discovers Link between High Levels of Niacin – a Common B Vitamin – and Heart Disease – Cleveland Clinic Newsroom
Part 2:
Are your cereals coated in pesticides and going to affect your fertility? Former Build Up Dietitians moderator Dustin Moore with some #factsnotfears Quaker Oats, Chlormequat, and the Environmental Working Group's Newest Public Scam ( “There is no reliable evidence that eating Cheerios, Quaker Oats, or any oat or wheat product are going to make it harder for you to have a baby. Ironic as it is that the EWG promoted this claim, we can use their own report to put it where it belongs. In the trash.”
and more on this from epidemiologist Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz:
“…the hype far outweighs the findings. Yes, there are some chemical residues in common foodstuffs, but these are almost certainly safe and well under regulatory limits.:
Should You Be Worried About Fertility-Damaging Chemicals In Your Oats? (
🥩🥓🍗🍖Carnivore Diet - Top Image of the Month
This imaged garnered a lot of attention on our Facebook page …114 reactions/80 comments. (If you’re unfamiliar with the carnivore diet, it’s one that eschews most all carbohydrates and is primarily just meat. For more on the Carnivore Diet see the Red Pen Review of the “The Carnivore Code” (Paul Saladino, MD). )
What do dietitians think of these lab results? Some of the top comments:
Carol Ireton-Jones: “Billy Joel - heart attack ack ack ack!”
Kaila P. : “Well, with the commentary before the labs I'd probably just give basic info on what causes different lab results and be open to questions…”
Julie B.: “I know people in this category. Their belief in keto/carnivore is so deep I don’t even say anything…”
Carol S.: “Family history and alcohol intake. A lot of clients follow a specific “diet” but never alter their alcohol consumption.”
Denene S.: “My thoughts would be this is EXACTLY why a high fiber low saturated fat diet is recommended. How about chalking it up to a carnivore diet is not the way to go, you tried, good effort. Now let’s start eating fruit, vegetables, and whole grains! How about lean proteins and some daily cardiovascular exercise, say 60 min per day, as well?”