Build Up Catch Up - 2/10/23
Hot Topics: Eating Disorders, Excessive Shortages, Elections, and an Extraordinary Inventor
Superbowl Dietitian Match Up (not to be confused w/ SuperBOWEL)
for the KC Chiefs - Dietitian Leslie Bonci
Eating Disorders
Many dietitians feel unprepared to work with patients/clients with eating disorders (ED). The term, “eating disorder” could be considered a misnomer, implying a lifestyle choice or food consumption/lack of consumption decision, when in fact, “…Researchers are finding that eating disorders are caused by a complex interaction of genetic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors….”. EDs like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, orthorexia and binge eating disorder fall under the DSM of “mental disorders” and treatment often includes psychotherapy, medical care, medications and nutritional counseling.
For more information and resources:
The Behavioral Health Nutrition DPG
Build Up Dietitians Eating Disorder Facebook Group
Book recommendations from Silver Linings Foundation
Video Resource Library for Professionals:
Excessive Shortages
The word of the past few years seems to be “shortages”. We have had shortages of toilet paper, baking supplies and beef, shortages of infant formula, eggs,
antibiotics, tube feeding (TF) supplies, oral nutrition supplements (ONS), vitamins and minerals for TPN, etc. Possibly the worst shortage of all is that of staff for patient care. These staffing shortages of MDs, therapists, RN’s, CNA’s, PT’s, SLPs, and of course RDs, can potentially affect patient care and sometimes length of stay (LOS).
Staffing shortages have even caused some LTC/nursing home facilities to close.
Comments from DIETITIANS:
“Retention is challenging right now across all disciplines. We are having to tele-consult a lot of physician specialties which is challenging for our hospitalists and nurses. Speech therapists are in short supply which means patients don’t get swallow evaluations in a timely manner, leading to prolonged NPO time. Our nurses are burning out big time. BIG TIME.” - Carly L.
Article: What are the causes of staffing shortages and what are the solutions?
Academy Elections
Elections for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics are going on now and end February 15th.
Historically voter turnout for these elections is pretty abysmal with only 8-10% of Academy members voting.
As of 2/8/23 only 5% of Academy members had voted and many states have less than 2% of members who’ve voted. We know people tend to vote last minute, so be sure you vote before 2/15.
Extraordinary Inventor - Black History Month
Mary Kenner
Mary Kenner still holds the record as the black woman with the greatest number of US patents.
Some of her inventions include the sanitary belt and a toilet paper holder. One of Kenner’s inventions that holds particular relevance for dietitians in health care is “an attachment for a walker or wheelchair that included a hard-surfaced tray and a soft pocket for carrying items.”
Bonus question: Do you know how many patents Mary Kenner holds? The first person who comments with the correct answer will get a $10 Starbucks gift card (US residents only)