Build Up Catch Up - 12/15/23
Fearmongering from AAP, What's being talked about in our Groups, memes and more.
Fearmongering of the Week
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Weighs in On GMO’s - & it’s NOT Good
Paper directed towards PARENTS: Are GMO Foods Safe for My Child? AAP Policy Explained -
Here’s a portion of the email we sent to Dr. Steve Abrams of AAP:
Dear Dr. Abrams,
…... Claim that foods that are certified organic are raised "without herbicides or pesticides":
-Examples of herbicides used in organic farming: Organic Herbicides: What They Are, What They Contain, And How To Use Them (
-Examples of pesticides used in organic farming: Are pesticides in organic food safe? What you should know | Well+Good (
.-"measurable quantities of glyphosate in some GMO foods" - what exactly is "measurable"...we can now measure to parts per BILLION. If we are excreting glyphosate in the urine, we are excreting it, not storing it in fat tissue.
-GMO crops made into feed for animals doesn't make them GMO and doesn't put them in the same category as "GMO" salmon - just as giving a cow or pig soy doesn't mean their meat is unsafe for someone with an allergy to soy.
-encouraging pediatricians to provide nutritional guidance about GMO's.. When do physicians have the time to do this and why are they providing nutritional guidance? What about dietitians?
And some additional thoughts on the AAP paper/stance:
Dr. Cami Ryan, Social Sciences Lead, Regulatory Science Division, Bayer Global on Twitter/”X”: (for her full thread on “X” see
Dr. Kevin Folta Professor of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida offers his assessment:
What did you think of the recent AAP paper on GMO's and kids?
If this paper was the first chapter of a graduate dissertation the student would fail and be dismissed from the program. The authors use vague language, inaccuracies, citation bias, inappropriate citation, omission of peer-reviewed literature that does not support their narrative, and imply risk where none has been conclusively demonstrated at levels detected. The authors use irrelevant terminology used to shape a narrative rather than describe the current state of the science. They did get some aspects right, such as no known risk from genetic engineering and the problem of herbicide resistant weeds. But while claiming to help parents make better decisions they muddy an important discussion to the point that parents will just stop feeding their kids safe affordable food.
What do you think of the paper and the advice to parents?
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Podcast Pick: Clickbait and Switch: The Viral Spread of Social Media Misinformation
Unbiased Science Podcast with Professor Tim Caulfield
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