Build Up Catch Up - 10/27/23
School Lunches vs Lunchables, Red Meat Frenzy, Being a Private Chef, A Hate Group Hiding in Plain Sight...and more!
1. School lunches vs LUNCHABLES
Podcast: “How Lunchables ended up on School Lunch Trays” from the Washington Post.
2. Unprocessed Can Mean Unsafe
We often hear about food borne illness outbreaks with raw (unpasteurized) milk, which is becoming more common as more states eliminate or relax laws about the sale of raw milk. It’s important to remember than unpasteurized fruit and vegetables juices can also result in food borne illness.
#Sponsored - 1.0 FREE CPEU
WEBINAR:1.0 Free CPEU (including ethics credit)
This webinar, sponsored by the National Pork Board and in collaboration with the National Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors Association, will help give caregivers and nutrition professionals a better understanding of how to use positive, inclusive language as powerful tools during conversations about food with children.
Register here: Webinar Registration - Zoom
Red Meat Frenzy
Once again, a study has the pro and anti-red meat folks lining up in fevered debate on social media …and once again the exuberant headlines generated by Harvard T.H. Chan, “Red Meat Associated with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes”, seem like they don’t really hold up under closer scrutiny. As Ted Kyle of ConscienHealth pointed out, this is a conclusion from an observational study with self-reported information (based on food frequency questionnaires) and if anything, just establishes correlation, not causation.
Unlearning Lessons About Food
“You Don’t Have to Clean Your Plate, No Matter What Your Parents Said”
Julie Cunningham MPH, RDN, LDN, CDCES, IBCLC
If you were raised to ‘clean your plate’ or admonished not to waste food because, ‘There are people starving in _____(another country name')’ this post will resonate with you and provide an important reminder to consider as you talk with and listen to clients struggling with their relationship with food. Cunningham writes, “…sometimes people receive such strong messages about food as children that they struggle to think clearly about how to feed themselves as adults.”
These people may be hearing the echoes of conversations from their childhood which have shaped their current views of food.
Word Play Hides Hate in Plain Sight - Make Sure You Know the Difference
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds)are NOT the same organization. AAP is a reputable organization of pediatricians, “…67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.” (from About the AAP ). Meanwhile, ACPeds is “…a fringe anti-LGBTQ hate group that masquerades as the premier U.S. association of pediatricians to push anti-LGBTQ junk science, primarily via far-right conservative media and filing amicus briefs in cases related to gay adoption and marriage equality.
Podcast: “The Rise of Private Chefs” - The Food Chain
Considering becoming a private chef? This podcast talks about that lifestyle and opportunity.