4/12/24 WIC Changes; CDR Spotlight; Question from Nutrition Support Group; 3 Things You May Have Missed...& More
Just a friendly reminder……
Investigate the positive connection between soy intake & skin health, particularly focusing on the advantageous properties of isoflavones. (These compounds can combat skin aging.) CLICK HERE
💡Spotlight: 2️⃣Questions for the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)
Amanda Coufal, BS, NDTR, Chair of the Competency Assurance Panel
Amanda received her Bachelors of Science from Kansas State University and has worked at the University of Kansas Health System as a Dietitian Assistant III and now as a the Nutrition Informatics Manager. She previously served as the DTR commission for CDR and is currently the chair of theCompetency Assurance Panel.
CDR website: Commission on Dietetic Registration (cdrnet.org)
Q1: With the changes to CPEUs, what, if any, differences do you think dietitians will see when attending conferences or webinars in coming months?
“…Each CPE activity should be free from marketing and commercial bias, free from financial influence, and conducted in a way that promotes equity…”
Q2: Besides the CHAT function on the CDR website, what features or tools on the CDR website do you wish more dietitians took advantage of or knew about?
· Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS), include measure details, freely available language from the Nutrition Care Process Terminology, and interoperable health standards.
· Scope and Standards of Practice Learning Module worth 2 CPEU (and qualifies for the ethics credit)…
· CDR CPEU Database allows practitioners to search for CPEU activities by activity type, activity title/key words, provider, etc….”
🛒WIC changes Final Rule: Revisions in the WIC Food Packages (2024) | Food and Nutrition Service (usda.gov)
Dietitian Stephanie Simms Hodges provided a nice recap of this on Facebook:
More fruits and vegetables, including the higher PERMANENT amounts for the Cash Value Benefit and substitution of the juice allotment for more fruits and vegetables.
Changes in dairy, including amounts of fluid milk, allowing lactose free milk, and inclusion of plant-based yogurts and cheeses.
Change in whole grain requirements for breakfast cereals as well as an added sugar limit vs a total sugar limit.
Canned fish is added to the food packages where it was not already included.
Both canned and dried legumes will be included.
Though as Jennifer S. one of our Build Up Dietitians Public Health Group moderators and experts noted:
“Changes will not occur for approximately another 2 years (due to states needing to make significant changes to their computer systems to be able to accommodate new substitutions in the packages, as well as getting new foods approved) but it’s still SO exciting to finally have these updates released!!!”
🙋♀️Question in Build Up Dietitians Nutrition Support Group
Lauren K. “Not many RDs out there to follow home tube feeding patients and hospital discharging patients without a RD referral of someone who can follow-up for changes/tolerance. Companies who supply enteral supplies usually only have a RD to call for problems but not for regular follow-ups.”
Asiyah R. “When the nurse calls requesting to change to home blended tube feeds because patient is having diarrhea while the patient is also on Lactulose or Augmentin.”
Laura D. “MD’s holding feeds due to residuals of 100-150 without other physical signs of intolerance and not going by hospital protocol.”
Brenda U. “When MD convinces pt and family that dobhoff placement is the worst thing on earth. Talks them into TPN. So, by the time you get there it’s a losing battle.”
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You know what BMI is …but how about KPI?
DYK about Bec McDorman’s weekly newsletter with free and low cost CPEUs? Bec’s Weekly CEU Roundup | Bec McDorman, MS, RDN, FAND | Substack
We’re kind of thrilled about this.